Overthewire Natas Level 9 To 10
Level 10
Username: natas10
Password: redacted
URL: http://natas10.natas.labs.overthewire.org
As normal, lets look at various sources
I don’t believe you, lets see what happens.
Okay, fair. In the source code:
$key = "";
if(array\_key\_exists("needle", $\_REQUEST)) {
$key = $\_REQUEST\["needle"\];
if($key != "") {
if(preg\_match('/\[;|&\]/',$key)) {
print "Input contains an illegal character!";
} else {
passthru("grep -i $key dictionary.txt");
So this is definately something where you traverse, but can’t use any fun characters. Okay, lets yolo and use ‘a ls’
That is actually interesting. I wonder if we look at the same path as the previous challenge (and increment by 1) and cat the file..
Nope. Lets try a few more, what could hurt?
What? Why did that work?
This is why:
-i, --ignore-case
Ignore case distinctions, so that characters that differ
only in case match each other.
So the grep command -i will look for any (ignoring case) in the password. The password doesn’t contain an A… or a B… But it does contain a C. That’s weird.