Level goal

The password for the next level is stored **somewhere on the server** and has all of the following properties:

-   owned by user bandit7
-   owned by group bandit6
-   33 bytes in size

## Commands you may need to solve this level

ls, cd, cat, file, du, find, grep

Lets take a look

bandit6@bandit:~$ ls
# No result.. Wot?

Mkay, hidden files?

bandit6@bandit:~$ ls -a
.  ..  .bash_logout  .bashrc  .profile
#Nope - Okay, what?

Lets CD back a bit and look at files, with hidden things shown just to be sure.

bandit6@bandit:~$ cd ..
bandit6@bandit:/home$ ls -a
.         bandit11  bandit16  bandit20  bandit25      bandit28-git  bandit30-git  bandit4  bandit9
..        bandit12  bandit17  bandit21  bandit26      bandit29      bandit31      bandit5
bandit0   bandit13  bandit18  bandit22  bandit27      bandit29-git  bandit31-git  bandit6
bandit1   bandit14  bandit19  bandit23  bandit27-git  bandit3       bandit32      bandit7
bandit10  bandit15  bandit2   bandit24  bandit28      bandit30      bandit33      bandit8
# Lots of interesting things here, but once again am not going to iterate through everything.

Lets do some more digging with the find command.

#I don't feel like iterating through every single file on the box, so lets start wit with owners and groups

#/ Is roooot
bandit6@bandit:~$ find / -group bandit6 -user bandit7 -size 33c

What next?

bandit6@bandit:~$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/bandit7.password

The password for level 7:


Connect to level 7.

bandit6@bandit:~$ ssh bandit7@localhost
#Accept the fingerprint ('yes') and enter the password.

On the next episode of Bandit…